英语爱情格言大全 英语爱情格言(一) ...I see her every day, and always see her for the first time. 我每天都能看见她,而且总是在第一时间。 JEAN RACINE(1639-1699) She is Venus when she smiles; but she's Juno when she walks; And Minerva when she talks. 当她微笑的时候是维纳斯,但当她走路的时候是朱诺(Juno),当她说话的时候是Minerva。 BEN JONSON (1572-1637) Love is the strongest of nature's forces - able to bring joy even out of tragedy. 爱是最强大的自然力量——能带来欢乐,甚至走出悲剧。 STUART AND LINDA MACFARLANE A lover's eyes will gaze an eagle blind. A lover's ear will hear the lowest sound. 爱人的眼睛愿意凝视一只盲目的鹰。爱人的耳朵愿意倾听最低沉的声音。 WILLIM SHAKSPEARE (1564-1616) Love is...born with the pleasure of looking at each other, it is fed with the necessity of seeing each other, it is concluded with the impossibility of separation。 爱生来就有彼此关注的愿望,通过了解彼此需要获得滋养,通过不可能的分离宣告结束。 JOSE MARTI (1853-1895) Only love heals, makes whole, takes us beyond ourselves. Love...is both right motive and right result. Love gets us There.... 唯有爱能治愈,她创造完整,她让我们超越自己。爱是正确的动机和结果。爱领我们到达彼岸。 MARSHA SINETAR Whether rich or poor, wise or dull, good or bad, we all need and deserve love. 不论富有还是贫穷,聪明抑或愚笨,是好是坏,我们都需要并渴望爱。 STUART AND LINDA MACFARLANE ALL,everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. 所有的,我了解的每件事,仅仅因为爱而了解。 LEO TOLSTOY (1828-1910) I wonder why love is so often equated with joy when it is everything else as well. Devastation, balm, obsession, granting and receiving excessive value, and losting it again. It is recognition, often of what you are not but might be. It sears and it heals. It is beyond pity and above law. 我很惊讶为什么爱常常与快乐同等看待,每件事情都是如此。蹂躏,芬芳,着迷,给予并接受过度的价值利益,然后再次失去。这是你经常会有也可能没有的认识。爱摧毁并治愈。爱超越同情,高于法律。 FLORIDA SCOTT-MAXWELL (1883-1978) My flocks feed not, My ewes breed not, My rams speed not, All is amiss. Love is dying, Faith's defying, Heart's denying, Causer of this. 我的羊群无人饲养了,我的母羊不再产仔了,我的公羊不再快跑了,一切都错了。爱就要死去,忠诚遭到蔑视,心正被拒绝,皆源于此。 RICHARD BARNFIELD (1574-1627) ...their souls kissed, they kissed with their eyes, they were both but one single kiss. 他们的灵魂在亲吻,他们用眼睛亲吻,那是两人之间唯一的吻。 HEINRICH HEINE (1797-1856) Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction. 爱不仅让恋人们相互凝视,也让他们在看待外部事物时眼光一致。 ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPERY(1900-1944) Now our love is deep enough to need no frantic gestures. You smile in passing, touch my shoulder. I walk with you in the garden, sharing the last of the light, the flickering of bats, the scent of roses. We are at home in quietness. Passion and the everyday flow from each other, equal expressions of our love. 现在我们彼此爱已至深,不再需要姿态抓狂。你淡淡一笑,搭着我的肩膀。我们在园中漫步,分享最后一缕阳光,蝙蝠忽隐忽现,玫瑰花散发着芳香。我们安静地呆在家里。热诚伴随每一天,平等地表达爱着对方。 CHARLOTTE GRAY, b. 1937 Keep love in your heart. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring. 让爱永驻心房。爱与被爱的感觉会给你的生活带来无可比拟的温暖与富有。 OSCAR WILDE (1854-1900) (以下两句为漏网之鱼,尚未经验证。) How to measure love. Not in gold or riches. Not in length or weight. Not in huors or minutes. But in patience, gentleness and endurance. 如何衡量爱,不是用金子或财富,不是用长度或重量,不是用小时或分秒,而是用耐心、温柔与持久。 STUART AND LINDA MACFARLANE Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only what you are expecting to give - which is everything. 爱从不期待索取,只期待给予。 KATHARINE HEPBURN, b. 1970 Love must be learned, and learned again and again; there is no end to it. 爱必须要一次次地学习,且永无止境。 KATHERINE ANNE PORTER (1890-1980) Love is enriched by every good thing shared -- and made srtonger by every sorrow faced together. 爱通过分享每一份美好而充实富有,爱通过共同面对每一次悲伤而愈加强壮。 PAM BROWN, b, 1928 英语爱情格言(二) Love is a wizard.... It intoxicates, it envelops, it isolates. It creates fragrance in the air, ardour from coldness, it beautifies everything around it. 爱是魔法(巫术),她让人陶醉,让人沉浸,让人与世隔绝。她能在空气中产生香气,能用燃烧的热忘记寒冷,能让她周围的一切都变得美丽起来。 LEOS JANACEK (1854-1928) Love makes you everything you want to be. 爱能让你美梦成真。 STUART AND LINDA MACFARLANE Love... is so sweet - sweetest, dearest, fleetest comer, fledgling of the sudden summer. 爱如此甜蜜——是最甜蜜的,最可爱的,最迅捷的来者,宛如猝然而至的夏日的雏鸟。 LOUISE MOULTON When Love speaks, the voice of all the gods make heaven drowsy with the harmony. 当爱说话时,众神的声音使天堂在和谐中昏昏欲睡。 WILLIAM SHAKSPEAR (1564-1616) The greatest happiness love can offer is the first pressure of hands between you and your beloved. 爱能提供的最大的幸福是你与爱人双手之间的第一次压力(第一次牵手)。 STENDHAL (1783-1842) The universe hangs on a kiss,exists in the hold of a kiss. 宇宙悬于一吻,存在于这一吻的掌握中。 ZALMAN SHNEAR The sweetest memory of all is that first kiss from your one true love. 所有最甜美的记忆都来自你那唯一真爱的最初一吻。 STUART AND LINDA MACFARLANE Love is huddling together for shelter under an umbrella — long after the rain has stopped. 爱是在伞下紧紧相靠,尽管雨已经停了很长时间。 STUART AND LINDA MACFARLANE Love should run out to meet love with open arms. 爱应该跑出去与热情的爱相遇。 ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON (1850-1894) Love demands the impossible, the absolute, the sky on fire, inexhanstible springtime.... 爱需要不可能,需要确信无疑,需要燃烧的天空,需要享之不尽的春光。。。。。 ALBERT CAMUS (1913-1960) One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is LOVE. 有一个字把我们从生活的所有重压和痛苦当中解放出来,那个字就是“爱”。 SOPHOCLLES (496-406 B.C.) Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse of impossibility; for it thinks all things lawful for itself, and all things possible. 爱不感觉负担,不考虑麻烦,尝试超越自己的力量,爱不为不可能找借口,因为爱认为自己的一切都是合法的,都是可能的。 TOMAS A KEMPIS (1379-1471) Love commands ue to step out into nothingness -- and bears us up. 爱使我们快速坠入虚空,再让我们坚强起来。 PAM BROWN, b. 1928 Love is the heart's immortal thirst to be completely known and all forgiven. 爱是心灵对被完全了解、完全包容的不朽的热望。 ENRY VAN DYKE (1852-1933) ...love means that I am confident enough about that other that I can trust him with my gift. 爱意味着我对我天然信任的他人有足够的信心。 CAROL TRAVIS What happiness to be beloved; and O, what bliss, ye gods, to love。 被爱是多么幸福啊,哦,爱是天神,是极乐。 JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE (1749-1832) What supreme happiness of life is the conviction of being loved for yourself, or, more correctly, being loved in spite of yourself. 生活中最大的幸福是对自己被爱的坚信,或者,更恰当地说,尽管是被自己所爱。 VICTOR HUGO (1802-1885) You know how it is when it happens, like a search that's ended. And the wonderful relief at having found someone to go home and talk to, who knows you, understands your work and everything you're going through. 你知道它发生时是什么样的感觉,就好像一次找寻结束了。那是一种美妙的放松,就好像你寻找的那个了解你,懂你的工作和你所经历的一切的人已经回家并同你交谈。 DERVLA KIRWAN, b, 1971 Love makes all hard hearts gentle. 爱使铁石心肠变得温柔慈善. GEORGE HERBERT (1583-1633) Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit. 爱是一种无止境的宽仁行动,爱是一种习惯性的温柔注视。 PETER USTINOV, b, 1921 Love is so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all. 爱如此奇妙,如此美好,要求着我的灵魂,我的生活和我的一切。 ISAAC WATTS (1674-1748) Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it. 多少水都无法熄灭爱,即便是洪水泛滥也无法吞没。 SONG OF SOLOMON Love is... a flower so delicate that a touch will bruise it, so strong that nothing will stop its growth. 爱是一碰即伤的娇嫩的花朵,但又如此坚强,没什么能阻止她的生长。 FERN WHEELER Love is...a pardonable insanity. 爱是一种可以宽恕的癫狂。 SEBASTIEN CHAMFORT (1741-1794) Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. 爱是超越智力的幻想的狂喜。 H.L. MENCKEN (1880-1956) If thou rememberest not the slightest folly that ever love did make thee run into, thou hast not loved. 如果你不记得因爱犯傻,哪怕是一点点傻,那么你就没有爱过。 WILLAN SHAKSPEARE (1564-1616) |