Between my finger and my thumb The squat pen rests; as snug as a gun. Under my window a clean rasping sound When the spade sinks into gravelly ground: My father, digging. I look down Till his straining rump among the flowerbeds Bends low, comes up twenty years away Stooping in rhythm through potato drills Where he was digging. The coarse boot nestled on the lug, the shaft Against the inside knee was levered firmly. He rooted out tall tops, buried the bright edge deep To scatter new potatoes that we picked Loving their cool hardness in our hands. 
By God, the old man could handle a spade, Just like his old man. My grandfather could cut more turf in a day Than any other man on Toner’s bog. Once I carried him milk in a bottle Corked sloppily with paper. He straightened up To drink it, then fell to right away Nicking and slicing neatly, heaving sods Over his shoulder, digging down and down For the good turf. Digging. The cold smell of potato mold, the squelch and slap Of soggy peat, the curt cuts of an edge Through living roots awaken in my head. But I’ve no spade to follow men like them. Between my finger and my thumb The squat pen rests. I’ll dig with it. 挖掘 在我手指和大拇指中间 一支粗壮的笔躺着,舒适自在像一支枪。
我的窗下,一个清晰而粗厉的响声 铁铲切进了砾石累累的土地: 我爹在挖土。我向下望 看到花坪间他正使劲的臀部 弯下去,伸上来,二十年来 穿过白薯垄有节奏地俯仰着, 他在挖土。 粗劣的靴子踩在铁铲上,长柄 贴着膝头的内侧有力地撬动, 他把表面一层厚土连根掀起, 把铁铲发亮的一边深深埋下去, 使新薯四散,我们捡在手中, 爱它们又凉又硬的味儿。 说真的,这老头子使铁铲的巧劲 就像他那老头子一样。 我爷爷的土纳的泥沼地 一天挖的泥炭比谁个都多。 有一次我给他送去一瓶牛奶, 用纸团松松地塞住瓶口。他直起腰喝了,马上又干 开了, 利索地把泥炭截短,切开,把土. 撩过肩,为找好泥炭, 一直向下,向下挖掘。 白薯地的冷气,潮湿泥炭地的 咯吱声、咕咕声,铁铲切进活薯根的短促声响 在我头脑中回荡。 但我可没有铁铲像他们那样去干。 在我手指和大拇指中间 那支粗壮的笔躺着。 我要用它去挖掘。 (袁可嘉译) ※本文作者:希尼※